Promise Is a Bud: The Magnolia Bough Blog

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  • Blossoms, Beetles, & Buds

    Have you heard of "Rose, Thorn, and Bud"? It's a framework for identifying positive and negative experiences as well as what you look forward to exploring. In this post, I describe my version of this framework, which encourages us to recognize potentially productive or helpful elements of even our bad experiences. Read on for details! View Post
  • What the Gym Taught Me about Jewelry and Life

    My experiences at the gym have strengthened not only my body but my mindset too. And that shift, in turn, has transformed how I approach my personal relationships as well as my jewelry business. I feel closer to being my best self, and that feeling makes life seem much more enjoyable and much easier, even in hard moments. My hope for my work as a jewelry designer is that it helps other women appreciate who they are and celebrate the richness of their lives and the world around them. View Post